Event Tasks

Within your Groups & Teams you have the ability to create and assign tasks to your members to complete. This is great for any event to communicate and follow up with your volunteer and staff on any related tasks. 

Create a New Task

Create additional tasks for specific events.

Click the Events icon on the navigation menu on the left.​​

2. Click on the Event.

3. Go to the Event Tasks tab and click the grey button icon. Click Add New Task.​​

Create a new task in the Add event task window. Task name, due date and description are required fields. Budget is optional.

Click the Save button.

Edit Task

Edit existing tasks for specific events.

  1. Click the Events icon on the navigation menu on the left.​

2. Locate any event that requires volunteers then click onto the Event.​​

3. Go to the Event tasks tab.​

4. Click the edit icon.

5. Edit the task.

6. Click the Save button.

Delete Task

Remove existing tasks for specific events.

Click the Meetings & Events icon on the navigation menu on the left.

2. Locate any event that requires volunteers then click the dots to the right and click the Signup button. If the event has volunteer positions, the Signup button and the number of volunteers and details of each position will show.

3. Under the red Administration-tasks bar, select the Event tasks tab.

​4. In the grid, locate the task to delete, then click the trash icon.

Assign Event Task to Members

Assign specific tasks to any members.

  1. Click the Events icon on the navigation menu on the left.
  1. Locate any event that requires volunteers then click the dots to the right and click the Signup button. If the event has volunteer positions, the Signup button will show.


  1. Select the Event tasks tab.


  1. In the grid locate a task that needs to be assigned. Unassigned tasks will show the members con in the Assigned to column. To assign an event task to a member, click the members icon.
  2. In the Assign Task window, type the member name, select the name from the autocomplete text box and click the Assign button.

Comment on a Task

You can post or add comments on any event tasks in Portalbuzz!

  1. Click the Events icon on the navigation menu on the left.

2. Locate any event that requires volunteers then click the dots to the right and click the Signup button. If the event has volunteer positions, the Signup button and the number of volunteers will show.

3. Go to the Event tasks tab, locate the task and click the Comment button.

4. Type your comment in the text box.

5. Click the Post button.

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