Groups & Teams: Message Hub Overview

Message Hub

The Message Hub is a central way to communicate with all members. New messages are shown on your start page so you’ll always be up to date with the latest announcements.

This section contains the thread of messages from other users and allows you to add/post your messages. This section has 5 clickable tabs: The +Message, Search, Notifications, Privacy, and Filters tabs.


This is where you create and post messages that will be seen from the Message Hub thread.

  • For posting messages, click the +Message tab. This button allows you to post a Message in the thread.
  • Compose a message in the Content box.
  • You can choose a specific audience for your post, whether Private or Organization. Simply mark the checkbox beside your preferred audience.
  • To attach any file or image, click the Select button.
  • Once you have chosen the file/image, click Open.
  • Click the Post Message button.

This tab allows you to search for messages.


Go to the Notifications tab to choose which information you want to be notified about. Mark the checkboxes and click the Save Settings button.


The Privacy tab allows you to set your privacy settings.


The Filters tab allows you to filter which messages are displayed.


This option allows you to flag specific messages.

Show More button

Use the Show More button to view previous threads/messages.

Edit your message

Messages can only be edited or deleted by the original poster. Click the Edit link update a previously posted message.

Click the update message button once you have made the necessary changes to save them.

Username in ‘Message Hub’

The ‘Message Hub’ section is used only for internal communications in Groups & Teams. Everyone can post a message in ‘Message Hub’ so that all the other Groups & Teams can read it and comment.

Your username is the way for other members to recognize your messages. The username is generated automatically, but you can easily change it.

How do I change my Username?

  1. Click on it:
  2. Edit.
  3. Press ‘Enter’ on your keyboard to save changes.

Message Hub Hashtags

Manage hashtags that appear in the Message Hub page.

Click the action icon on the right of the Message Hub to find the Manage Tags option.

This will take you to the Message Hub Hashtags page.​​

All tags

Contains all hashtags featured in conversations in the Message Hub page. To look for existing hashtags, simply type the number sign (#) followed by the hashtag in the “Check availability” textbox to see if the hashtag is available. If your club uses hashtags often, the list could be quite long. You can quickly search to see if a hashtag is listed by typing a # followed by the word in the Check availability autocomplete text box. For example, “#event”. If the tag is being used, it will show in the drop-down box.

System tags

The System tags are system-generated hashtags that are posted in the “Message Hub” page. These are basic default hashtags that are already in the system.

Local tags

Local tags are any hashtags that have been created by club members. Those tags will show up here.

Click the “edit” icon and then ‘”inheritable” if you would like to allow any organizations that are below your to have access to the same hashtags. To delete a hashtag, click the “trash” icon. Members can still use the tag, however, it will not show in the autocomplete drop-down list.

Add a tag

Allows you to create new hashtags for the system.

  1. Go to Local tags and in the red Administration bar, select the Add tag tab.

2. Type a hashtag and mark the inheritable checkbox in the Add new tag window.

3. Click Save.

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