
Email Terms of Service

relationship illustration

Aplos allows users to send emails via the software platform. Below are the Email Terms of Service and acceptable uses. Be sure to check back from time to time as the policies may change.

Spam and Bulk Mail

Please do not use the email service to distribute spam or unsolicited commercial mail You are not allowed to:

  • Send emails in violation of CAN-SPAM or CASL (Canadian) laws or any other anti-spam law.
  • Send marketing or commercial email without permission from specific recipients.

Prohibited Content

Please do not use the software to send anything illegal, or to do anything offensive. Don't send:

  • Pornography or other sexually explicit emails.
  • Emails offering to sell illegal goods or services.

Restricted Activities

In addition to not using prohibited content, you may not:

  • Put information in any of your emails that was not created by you or for you. This includes graphics, photos, videos, text and other elements.
  • Use any misleading or incorrect names, addresses, email addresses, subject lines, or other information in the software or in any emails created or sent using the software.
  • Share your password.
  • Upload or send email to purchased recipient contacts. You must have permission to send email to your recipients.
  • Misrepresent yourself to others while using the software, may not impersonate any other person whether fictitious or real.
  • Do anything that may cause Aplos to lose or be downgraded by any of the service providers we use including our Internet service providers, payment processors, or other suppliers.

Agreed Upon Activities

By accepting these terms, you also agree:

  • To allow Aplos to include unsubscribe links on emails.
  • To add a recipient's email address to the unsubscribe list within 10 days if you receive an unsubscribe request from the recipient.
  • Not to email unsubscribed users.
  • Not to take efforts to email unsubscribed users by using other email platforms.
  • That you are the designated sender of the message.
  • That you will follow all CAN-SPAM Act provisions and will follow all of Canada's Anti-Spam Legislation for emails sent to Canadian email accounts.

If complaints are received, the user may lose their ability to send emails using Aplos. This is made at the discretion of Aplos.

Aplos Branding

For every campaign or automatic email sent or distributed via the software, you agree that Aplos may add a link to the Aplos site and a statement such as "Donor Relations by Aplos" or "Powered by Aplos" in the footer or other similar location that does not unreasonably obscure the campaign or automatic email.

Internal Use

Aplos may view, copy, and internally distribute content from your emails and account to look for problem emails or accounts. Additionally, Aplos may review contacts and distribution practices to identify potentially harmful or fraudulent practices. Aplos does this to find members who violate these terms or laws. If a user is found in violation of any of these terms, laws, or other restrictions, Aplos reserves the right to take appropriate action, including, but not limited to, suspending the users account, removing the user's access to historical data in the software, or revoking access to the software entirely.

SendGrid Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) Agreement

Aplos uses SendGrid for the sending of emails through Aplos Donor Relations and in other parts of the software. As such, they require that you agree to the following terms at the following link: https://sendgrid.com/policies/tos/.


Aplos is not responsible for any violations of international laws or regulations stemming from the use of the software. Aplos is not responsible for lost or stolen payments, fraud, or other liabilities incurred from accepting international payments or from sending international emails. You agree to accept all liability stemming from sending international emails and accepting international payment with the software.