It’s good practice to do some housekeeping to clean up your data before sending contribution statements. Your data represents people, and you will have a tough time maintaining good relationships…
giving statements
When it comes to church giving, it is extremely important to accurately track tithes and offerings, not only for legal and moral reasons, but also to keep your members happy.…
Much like businesses, churches receive money, spend money, purchase inventory, pay bills, and transfer money between banks. Keeping up with these daily, weekly, or monthly transactions will speed up your…
Church ManagementNonprofit AccountingNonprofit Management
Striving For Accounting Simplicity With Aplos
by Eric Burgessby Eric BurgessEverything we do at Aplos has the goal of making nonprofit and church work simple—particularly their accounting. One of the best ways we do this is with our fund accounting…
Church ManagementNonprofit AccountingNonprofit Management
Year-End Checklist For Nonprofits And Churches
by Tim Goetzby Tim GoetzIf your organization’s fiscal year is from January to December, this time of year may leave you feeling a wide range of emotions. You likely find yourself grateful for the…