This is a guest article provided by Cassidy Jakovickas, CPA at MBS Accountancy. Churches can unintentionally misclassify workers or volunteers as independent contractors when they should be treated as employees. This…
Church Management
Recorded Webinar: Reflections On The Church Response To COVID-19
by Dan Kimballby Dan KimballMuch of the country’s societal landscape has changed over the recent months due to the coronavirus pandemic, resulting in churches revolutionizing how they operate in order to include people who…
This article was an interesting one to write. The more I tried to answer whether pastors are self-employed, the more questions I realized I had. And the more fundamental they…
While speaking with Rick Dobrowolski, Founder and Lead Pastor of Allentown Bible Church, I was able to learn about the footprint his small church makes in the community. I also…
Did You Know? Prior to the mid-1980s, church pastors and clergy were considered self-employed. Today the IRS declares pastors employees of the church, but they now have a mandated dual…