Home Fundraising Giving Tuesday Roundup: #GivingTuesday Resources

Giving Tuesday Roundup: #GivingTuesday Resources

by Eric Burgess

We recently explained what Giving Tuesday is, how long it has been around, and how the idea came to fruition. Having a good overview will help you in your fundraising. Since there are so many great resources for Giving Tuesday, I pulled together some of the best for you.

Steps To Giving Tuesday Success

Nonprofit Hub is an online educational community dedicated to giving nonprofits everything they need to better their organizations and communities. Their article on “10 Steps to #GivingTuesday Success” contains a simple guide for giving back. They suggest setting objectives, building content, warming the crowd, making the seasonal connection, and much more.

Leveraging Email Marketing For Giving Tuesday

How can nonprofits boost awareness of Giving Tuesday while increasing donations? The answer is simple: through email marketing. Email marketing is one of the fastest, most cost-effective ways to maximize donations, re-engage lapsed donors, or drive attendance to your next event, so make sure you leverage it for Giving Tuesday. Get “The Ultimate Guide to Email Marketing for Nonprofits” from Campaign Monitor today.

Ways To Ruin Your Giving Tuesday Campaign

Asking for donations without telling a story, winging it, and failing to coordinate your communication channels are just a few things John Haydon strongly urges you to avoid. Since he is a digital marketing guru for nonprofits, he knows his stuff. First, read his article on what not to do for Giving Tuesday. Then download his comprehensive guide to planning a Giving Tuesday campaign.

Classy’s Giving Tuesday Resource Kit

Classy is an online and mobile fundraising platform. They’ve put out a cool resource kit to help nonprofits plan for Giving Tuesday. The kit has a guide, a campaign planner, and 10 free Giving Tuesday email templates.

Is Your Website Ready For Giving Tuesday?

To help you take advantage of online giving this holiday season, Wired Impact came up with five ways to make the most of your website for Giving Tuesday and year-end fundraising. Don’t be intimidated. We all know website revisions can be daunting, but little changes can maximize your opportunity for collecting donations.

Cash Is Still King?

Huffington Post published an article recently titled, “Beyond #GivingTuesday: Why Cash Is Best.” They explained how flexible cash donations are, partly because organizations can quickly put the funds to use. So yes, cash still matters.

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