Event Notes Overview

Create an Event Note

Create additional notes for events. Use this function to make notes about location, contact information, tips, things to remember, or any information that will be useful in managing the event.

  1. Click the Meetings & Events icon on the navigation menu on the left.

2. Locate any event that requires volunteers then click the dots to the right and click the Signup button. If the event has volunteer positions, the Signup button and the number of volunteers will show.

3. Select the Notes tab.

6. Click the Save button. When the event is viewed, the Notes tab will indicate the number of notes for that event. Click the Notes tab to view the note.

Edit an Event Note

Edit a note associated with a specific event.

  1. Click the Meetings & Events icon on the navigation menu on the left.

2. Locate any event that requires volunteers then click the dots to the right and click the Signup button. If the event has volunteer positions, the Signup button and the number of volunteers will show.

3. Select the Notes tab.

4. In the grid, locate the note that you would like to edit and then click the pencil icon to the right of the note.

5. Edit the event note in the Edit event note window.

6. Click the Save button.

Delete an Event Note

Delete a note associated with a specific event.

  1. Click the Meetings & Events icon on the navigation menu on the left.

2. Locate any event that requires volunteers then click the dots to the right and click the Signup button. If the event has volunteer positions, the Signup button and the number of volunteers will show.

3. Select the Notes tab.

4. In the grid, locate the note that you would like to delete and then click the  trash button on the right.

To confirm deletion or cancel, select Yes or No.

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