Home Donor Management Finding Millennial Donors

Finding Millennial Donors

by Clay Harmon

Established and new nonprofits alike have to adapt and find innovative ways to finding millennial donors within the generation inheriting our planet. So how do you go about doing that?

Traditionally, organizations found their fair share of donors through events. They would go to a physical location and talk with prospects face to face. However, this generation has grown up in the tech age, where most of their entertainment is just a few clicks away. That means you’ll have to find a way to connect with millennial donors who would rather spend a weekend indoors than attend events.

1. Engage From Afar

So how do you engage someone whose nose is always stuck to their computer screen? Do it through social media. It’s vital you reach them where they hang out in cyberspace. Social media platforms like Instagram, SnapChat, and Facebook offer plenty of engagement opportunities with their demographic. Appeal to them with great content, inspirational posts, questions, and opportunities.

2. Find What Millennial Donors Are Passionate About

Each generation has a different set of interests and values. There’s a reason why guitar sales are at an all-time low. Millennials just aren’t passionate about the same things their parents are. You have to understand what they’re interested in if you want to connect with them. It’ll be key to attracting them to your organization.

To garner appeal and support from the millennial generation, consider implementing an ongoing passion project to demonstrate how your organization is helping the community. But if you’re going to capitalize on something that’s “in,” the language you use in this engagement is very important. Millennials are getting better and better at recognizing when organizations are trying to target them via a current trend. Try not to sound contrived.

3. Hello Moto

Millennials spend more time on their phones than watching television. This provides a unique opportunity to send them the right message. Whether you use Text to Give or send mobile-responsive emails that offer stories and other content, these are great ways to use technology to garner support from millennial donors.

4. Opportunities For Millennial Donors

While the millennial generation makes up a fair share of the workforce in our country, they’re not always able to afford a money donation. However, as you very well know, there are other ways to support a cause. Whether it’s volunteering or providing their tech expertise to your organization, giving them an opportunity to help your cause can sometimes be more impactful than monetary gifts alone. It will also motivate millennials to become more active in your community.

There are plenty of opportunities to engage the new generation, but it means understanding them and sometimes getting creative in how you reach them. By taking the steps to understand what millennials are passionate about and where to find them, you can attract the support your organization needs.

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