You may use your bank account as your payment method for donations when the organization makes it available through their online donations form. When you do this, the Software will make an electronic transfer via ACH from your actual bank account in the amount you specify. You agree that these requests constitute your authorization to Aplos to make the transfers. Once you have provided your authorization for the transfer, you will not be able to cancel the electronic transfer. You give Aplos the right to resubmit any ACH debit you authorized that is returned for insufficient or uncollected funds.
You may request that a recurring donation be transferred to an organization when that organization makes it available through their online donations form. For recurring donations, you can select your payment method (generally credit card or ACH).
You may stop a recurring donation at any time up to three business days before the next scheduled payment by logging into your Aplos account. Once you log in, follow the links to stop the payment.
If your credit card account number changes or your credit card expiration date changes, we may acquire that information from our financial services partner and update your account.
Aplos makes no claims about nor can it confirm the true identity of any person or organization using the software. Additionally, Aplos cannot confirm that money donated to an organization for a specific cause is actually spent on that cause. In the event that a person or organization uses false information to encourage, pressure, or otherwise entice you to donate money using the software, it is your responsibility to do your due diligence before giving to that organization. If you believe that you have been a victim of fraud, you should seek professional, legal counsel. Donors agree to be in compliance with all laws no matter what the identified purpose of the funds.
Any donor information provided in an online donation form will be provided to the recipient organization, with the exception of sensitive payment information. Aplos and WePay will protect all sensitive payment information according to PCI compliance including encryption and not disclosing payment details to recipient organizations.
Donors must agree to submit payments in compliance with all laws and be the authorized user of the payment method. Aplos and WePay reserve the right to suspend or cancel payments that are suspicious or potentially fraudulent.
Aplos reserves the right to unilaterally terminate access due to any use it deems to be a misuse or a violation of the terms above.